Tag Archives: vce

Gearing up for the end of the year

Whether you’re in Year 12 and about to finish, or in Year 7 heading for your last few assessments of 2014, anyone can get a case of ‘study block’.

This clip has some great tips to get you moving forward again.

It’s brought to you by HumanRelationsMedia.

So long and farewell to our VCE students

For the last few weeks, the GFL (Gregory Fish Library) has been ‘home’ to our VCE students.  It has been the location they have occupied as they have laboured over their final end of year exams.   Now though, it is time for us, the GFL Staff, to bid you farewell and wish you all the best of luck for your future.

Having recently come across an inspiring article: Caulfield Students Exam Charity in the Caulfield Glen Eira Leader Newspaper, we wondered whether our VCE students, as a parting gesture to their school days, may be inspired to join with other VCE students across the state in a fundraising campaign.  The idea behind the Donate your ATAR is for VCE students to translate their ATAR score into a donation to a range of worthy causes.  Check it out on Facebook.

So ….. to our VCE students ….. we bid you “so long and farewell!”  We wish you much luck,  happiness and success as you step out of the MG gates and into the next chapter of your lives.   Pop in from time to time to say hello.

What Can Your Local Library Offer You?

This is a great little video from students at Braybrook College letting you know what you local library can do for you!

Thanks to Merspi’s YouTube channel for the link.