Category Archives: Trivia

Trivia Competition – Book Week Fun!

While some of the questions were dead easy – ‘Who wrote the Fault in our Stars?’  you had to be a seasoned trivia contestant to know the answer to some harder questions such as ‘How much of Australia is classified as desert?’

With six enthusiastic teams battling it, including one team which was defending its two year winning title, it was a close finish!   The winning team though looks suitably pleased.  They each received a movie voucher!

Book Week Trivia 2014 009

It’s raining ….. It’s pouring …..

Come shelter in the Frogmore Library – the GFL – on cold and rainy days!

Image by Penkdix Palme

Image by Penkdix Palme

A tribute to women …..

In honour of International Women’s Day – just a few of the many talented actresses who have graced our screens …..

Fighting in the library is NOT ALLOWED!!!

We think this video is so hilarious, we wanted to share it with you!

But don’t get us wrong!   We are NOT encouraging anyone to start a fight in either the FAL or the GFL!!!